Each year, the Foundation provides 30+ scholarships worth more than $35,000 for graduating Roosevelt seniors! Donations to the Rider Scholarship Fund help send Roosevelt grads to the trade program, college, university, or vocational school of their choice.
We are happy to announce of 2021 Scholarship Winners:
Named Scholarship Winners
Virginia Bannister Pearsall Scholarship - Elizabeth Hahn
James Collier Scholarship - Katherine Brandt
Galen Gustafson Memorial Scholarship - Gabriella Hoard
Meggie Malm Memorial Scholarship - Georgia Page
Ryan McCormick Memorial Scholarship - Annie Cowan
Timothy Parker, M.D. Pre-Med Scholarship - Lydia Johnston
Bryant D. Tuel Memorial Scholarship - Nicholas Brooks and David Claypool
Bishop Vocational Scholarship - Kathy Velez
Gordon Smith Memorial Scholarship - Samantha Harris
George "Pick" Wilson Memorial Scholarship - Ronan Murphy
Marvin James Fink P.E. Memorial Scholarship - Cael Fitch
John J. Hansell Scholarship - Alex Russell
Roosevelt Communtiy Equity Scholarship - Jonna Coleman
S.A. Siddiky Sports Scholarship - Anthony Schwindt
Salma Siddiky Leadership Scholarship - Michaela Lange
The Betty and Craig Miller &
Richard and Tilda Brown Swanson Scholarship - Mary McFetridge
Theodore Roosevelt Service Award - Stella Clark
TRHS Rider Scholarship:
Claire Bissmeyer
Anna Blobaum
Isaac Dotson
Lauren Drake
Sophia Ford
Jacob Frencher
Sarah Galluzzo
Dylan Graham
Hashim Eltoum Hamdan
Laci Hennessey
Adam Jaycox
Lydia Lawler
Milagro Michels
Matthew Musgrove
Dakota Rossi
Elizabeth Saunders
Emmaline Scott
Nate Stone
Makayla Stone
Nora Sweeney
Henry Siever
Jaclyn Wilson
Zoe Zmolek
Grace Zugg
Congratulations and best wishes to each and everyone of our scholarship winners!